Monday, August 27, 2012

Aubrey's Dance Moves - video!

Now that we have faster internet at the new house, let's see if this video will work! 
If it does, I assure you there will be more to come! 

Before bathtime, we turned on the tv to a music station and Aubs started busting a move :)
So pardon the diaper and necklace attire :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Playing with the Water Hose

Since it's been so hot lately, for the past couple of nights this is what we're up to :) Aubrey loves it!

If you can tell. . . she is signing "more"

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pony tail girly!

Aubrey's hair can officially fit in a pony tail...
...but she doesn't like keeping the clips in that catch all the fly-aways!

Aubrey loves watching outside by the screen door!
(when the weather was cooler a few days ago)

"CHEESE" during suppertime!

Slicked back hair after a bath reading the ads with Daddy.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

State Fair

Aubrey and I took one day to visit the State Fair and watch Daddy and family show the cattle. We were there for only a day, but did get in on a few fun things.

Aubrey playing with chalk at the Fun Forest

There was a great little tunnel that Aubrey
 braved all by herself after I went in only one time with her! So fun!

Getting brave to take a quick pet at the calf. 

Walking or should I say running around the fair with Daddy.

Clapping after the playing of the playing of the National Anthem.

Aubrey made a new little friend for the day, Kimball. 

Aubrey getting really brave combing the heifer. 

So much fun in the cattle barn.

The pooper scooper was a favorite toy for the day. 

Future 4Her?

Running around the fair grounds 

Hiding from the rain in a horse trailer.

How Aubrey ate supper in her stroller on the go.

Party in the Pork Tent waiting out the rain!
Aubrey with her friend Kimball again borrowing a hat for the photo op.

Ending the day with some ice cream. . . yummy!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


We had a small college friends reunion at Okoboji from August 8-12. There were three couples who were able to make it.  This was the FIRST TIME that I had left Aubrey overnight and it was for four nights! I did okay since we were distracted with fun times, but when my Mom brought her back to us, I cried. I wasn't expecting that at all! We had a great time hanging out and working on our tans!

Me and Steve 

Matt and Jenn

Kevin "Bachel" and Ang

We went down to the Arnold's Park area and walked around.
"Captain Steve"

View of the lake near sunset. 

We went to the world famous Barefoot Bar for karaoke.

Hanging out.

Cheers to a nice vaca!

Out at Bracco's on the lake

Hanging outside on a nice summer evening.

The boys went for a late night swim...

View from our room at Bridges Bay Resort

The wonderfully heated pool we spent a lot of time at.

Pirate's Cove Golf Course...we didn't go since it was packed.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Aubrey's Creativity

Aubrey is turning into quite the little creative girl in what she does and plays with and it's so fun to watch!

Here she went back and forth to her room for every headband 
and insisted that we put as many possible on her head. 
She thought she was so cool! 
THEN she did the same on Daddy's head! Lol,

 She found this old shirt of mine that I have on a pile in my room to donate 
and she has just been in LOVE with it lately. 
She wears it as a cape or actually puts it on the right way 
and it's so funny watching her run around with it on.

Oops...that's the arm hole there kiddo!

She thought it would be fun to sit in 
one of her small toy containers and SING!

She is really into carrying around her baby 
and if you look closely you will see she got out a diaper for her baby 
and I had to put the diaper on her baby! Too cute!
PS - notice the two small stuffed animals...she was using them as the baby's bottle ;)