Thurday, March 11 - Aubrey turns 10
We had a 1/2 day of school for PTC
Aubrey's room decorated in the morning!
After school she got to open her presents!
We then took Dad's new truck to Pella for supper!
Aubrey picked Dairy Queen
We then went to Walmart to look for bikes, but didn't get one right away.
She had a 4H meeting to end her special day!
Friday, March 12, Avery turns 7!
Avery's door decorated in the morning!
We didn't have school for PTC, so these lucky girls got to wear HAIR DYE!
We went to Ottumwa for a little shopping and cheese curds for a snack!
We came home and did some chalking
She had to wait until Dad got home from school for her to open her presents!
She picked Asian Buffet in Osky for supper!