Spring Softball has begun, which means many nights at the ball fields. Games start next week! They have had practices and scrimmages against other Osky teams. Avery is doing her first year on an all-girls Rookies team, and Aubrey is doing her 2nd year of all-girls Minors teams! Steve is helping with Avery's team. We're super proud of them working hard and for Aubrey for trying pitching for the first time !
Aubrey's team "LDI" - Local Disposal, Inc.
Aubrey in the dugout!
Avery up to bat for her team "Kraig Chevrolet"
Avery's typical outfield stance
Aubrey has put in a lot of work about learning pitching. Her coaches haven't really helped her a lot, so we've done a lot of researching and practicing at home. Even in her two scrimmages she's done, she's gaining confidence on the mound!
Aubrey up to bat!
We were thrilled to have Grandpa and Grandma VG out for Grandparent's Day at Osky Christian, so they were able to watch Aubrey's scrimmage where she pitched an inning, got a hit and scored!