Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Osky Christmas Parade and festivities

The girls wearing festive clothes for school 

Osky's Lighted Christmas parade - we order pizza, eat it in our car with a decent parking spot, walk to the school's float and the girls ride and walk while Steve and I watch and wave. The snow was gently falling and it was picturesque! 

Opening stockings throughout December - they got Disney scrunchies

Avery and I walked the square on a beautiful warm evening to watch the light show and show local.

We got these cool 3D glasses - Holiday Specs at the Book Vault
 that changes lights into objects - these were the reindeer ones! 


Avery 3x3

Avery has been doing Little Eagle basketball with practices, skills nights and 3 x 3 scrimmages


OSCI team pics