Monday, September 19, 2011

Poor little girl

Thursday night was a terrible night for the whole family.  Aubrey woke up screaming at 2:15 in the morning so I fed her and tried to put her down.  She immediately screamed as soon as I laid her back in her crib.  I was up with her until 3:00 and she finally went down.  At 3:30 she started screaming again.  I knew she wasn't hungry so I tried to have Steve calm her down.  It worked until 4:15 she was up again.  I realized she did not want to lay down flat, so from 4:15 - 6:00 I rocked with her in the chair.  We both got little sleep.

She continued to scream and seem in pain that morning while I was getting ready but I wasn't sure what it was.  I took her to the babysitter and I got a call from her at 10:30 and said that Aubrey really had not calmed down and she wondered what to do.  I decided then to call the Dr. because it was seeming to be an ear infection.  Thankfully with my job I was able to get off right away and take her in at 11:30.  Sure enough, an ear infection it was.  She was put on amoxacillon (sp?) right away.

My next concern was that we were supposed to travel up to NW Iowa that weekend so Steve could show cattle at the Clay County Fair and Aubrey and I could spend some time with my family.  We decided to take the trip and drugged her up with Tylenol before we left and she was a great little traveler!  The car seat was at a good angle that her ears didn't hurt and the Tylenol made her sleepy.  She slept for most of the trip!

We all had a good weekend, and now have our happy little girl back to her normal self.  We still have to take the meds two times a day, which proves to be tricky, but she is taking it better now.  At least we now know that if she is acting the same way with not sleeping well and just might be an ear infection.  I guess we mark it down as her first ear infection; hopefully not the beginning of a trend.

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