Due to some last minute change of plans, me, Steve and Curt
headed down to the Kansas City Chiefs game today and
watched them to a 4-0 record.
Steve and I drove down to Curt's on
Saturday night and Aubrey was lucky enough
to spend the night at Grandma Char and Grandpa Craig;s.
Here is Curt with Rocky :)
Walking through all the tailgating.
PS - New NFL rule, you can't take purses in to the stadium!
After we walked ALL the way there,
Steve walked all the way back to the car (almost a mile!)
to return my purse - ugh!
Curt and Steve pre-game
Note we were in the SHADE.
It was a sunny gorgeous day and we landed some seats in the shade
and CLOSE to the top and near the restrooms - what a deal.
Final score:
Chiefs 31 and NY Giants 7
We win - now, 4-0