Saturday, November 15, 2014

Oskaloosa Fight Song - video!

Here is a video of our cheerleader Aubrey,
decked out in her outfit, bow, and pom poms
practicing her Oskaloosa Fight Song before 
basketball season begins :)

(and here are the words - kinda strange if you ask me :))

Oskaloosa, Oskaloosa, come on Oskaloo!
Here’s your game and here’s your gang
and you know we know you, RAH, RAH, RAH!

Every Yank and Yankee doodle
yells our battle cry!
Go Osky, O-S-H-S,
Osky High!

1 comment:

  1. Man... she is good! Maybe a little better than Steven would like to see? Basketball player... or cheerleader?
