Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Avery - 9 months

Avery had her 9 month well-child visit this morning.

Here are her stats:
Height: 29 1/2 inches (95%) - Aubrey was 28 1/2 inches
Weight: 19 lbs 3 1/2 oz (46 %) - Aubrey was 17 lbs 5 oz
Head Circ: 17 inches (18%')

She is a healthy little girl. Here's what she's up to:
-crawling all over and getting into everything
-still puts everything in her mouth; 
including but not limited to: hairbands, dirt, sister's little toys, candy wrappers...
-standing and cruising along furniture (from couch to chair to hassock...)
-sleeps from 8 pm to 7 am (or until gotten up)
-transitioning from 3 naps a day to 2 naps
-has gotten a few more ear infections (may be on our way to tubes)
-drinks 4-5 bottles a day/about 5 ounces at a time
-has four teeth - two bottom and two top
-is starting to eat more table foods
-eats baby food about 2 times a day
-starting to explore with a sippy (likes to steal Aubrey's)
-can "say" - "hi dad" "baba" "mama" "dada"
-likes to bounce around at Daddy's basketball games
-likes to play peek-a-boo with you or by herself
-can clap, wave, and somewhat sign for "more," and do "so big"
-likes to copy sounds and motions that you do
-wears 12 month clothes; size 3 Up and Up diapers
-LOVES her white crocheted blankie 
-likes to be where all the action is at and talked to
-LOVES her Mommy, Daddy, and Aubrey

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