Monday, March 2, 2015

Interview with Aubrey

In honor of Aubrey's upcoming 4th birthday, here is an interview!
I think I have done this once before with Aubrey, but I did see it off a friend's blog
(thanks JFS) so I would use her format already and make a couple adjustments :)

1. What is your full name? Aubrey Dawn Kaisand
2. How old are you? 3 and 11 months
3. Who is your best friend? Kate and Katelyn and Kailey
4. What is your favorite thing to do? Barbies
5. What is your favorite color? Pink and purple
6. What is your favorite food? Pizza
7. What is your favorite drink? Apple juice
8. What do you like to do with Daddy? Wedding
9. What do you like to do with Mommy? Read books and do school
9.5 What do you like to do with Avery? Patty cake 
10. What is your favorite toy? Cupcake maker (what she's playing with at the time)
11. What do you want to be when you grow up? A math girl...teach math like my dad
12. What makes you happy? When you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
13. What makes you sad? Ouchies.....waaahhhhh
13.5 What makes you mad? When I get a spanking
14. What is your favorite thing to Dora and friends into the city
14.5 What is your favorite movie? Frozen
15. What is your favorite book? Princess books
16. What was the best part of your birthday? Caaaaake!
17. Where do you like to go? Walmart
18. What is your favorite snack? Chocolate chips
19. What do you think bout before you fall asleep? Camryn and Gavin and my friends
20. What makes you laugh? Avery
21. What are you good at? Getting diapers for Mommy
22. What is your favorite Bible story? Jonah and the big fish
23. What does Daddy say to you? Do you want to build a snowman?
24. What does Mommy say to you? I love you so much
25. What is your favorite song? Jesus Loves Me
26. Where do you live? In a green house
26.5 What is your address? 1 Walnut Drive Oskaloosa
27. What do you play with outside? Chalk and bikes
27.5 What do you play with inside? Play in my room
28. What is your favorite day of the week? Valentine's Day because we get treats and all sorts of things