Tuesday, July 30, 2024

VG's Visit

A couple weeks after Rise Fest, we were thrilled that the Van Grouws came over and spent a few full fun days with us as their "vacation." We planned a lot of fun things, including mini-golf, Urban Air, swimming and the highlight - LEANNA CRAWFORD CONCERT....again! It was a blast! 

The Osky Mini-Putt is always a must! 

After a rainy day, our plans changed to so we went to Urban Air in DSM - so fun! 
We had some free passes, but then upgraded to do all the extra fun things, including the ropes course, zip line and VR games! 

Culver's for supper!

We showed them our new park at Edmunson Park

And of course, they had to meet Dixie, Waffle, Princess and Tinsel :)

Before the concert, we all thought it would be fun to make signs since we would be in a pretty small venue and she'd probably see them :)

Lots of fun swimming in an over-crowded small pool!

LEANNA CRAWFORD - at the What Cheer Opera House

Leanna saw Aubrey and her signed and invited her ON STAGE - Aubrey was BEAMING! 

What a special moment that she will never forget! 

We even got to meet her and have her sign our signs after! 


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