Tuesday, August 27, 2024

County Fair - Monday & Tuesday

The Southern Iowa County Fair was July 15 - July 20.
This year the static exhibit judging was while Aubrey was still in Tulsa, OK so she was not able to interview for her projects, but Avery was able to bring in a few as a first-time 4th grade projects.
Additionally, Avery brought her 2 goats - Dixie and Waffle. Aubrey brought her 2 heifers - Princess and Tinsel. Avery competed in the $20 clothing fashion show and the girls both did a working exhibit together making Mini Banjos. And earlier, they both presented a carcass beef that was butchered at the Sully locker! It was a very busy fair, but always such a great experience!

On Monday it was SUPER hot and storms were threatening when we were supposed to bring the animals in, so we held off until the later afternoon, just to realize that they whole fairgrounds would be closing early at 5:00 and there would be no cattle weigh in or goat weigh in. We basically got the goats unloaded and put in their home for the week and turned around and took the heifers back home so it would give them one more day to run free after being tied up already for a week in Oklahoma.

Avery's awesome sign she made before the storm and the goats got it to! 

Avery helping Lucas put up our club signs way up high!

On Saturday, Avery went to interview for her static projects with the 4th grade judge. 

She got a BLUE for her Christmas decoration

She got a BLUE for her "Pool Rules" sign, and also a "Low Cost" ribbon

She got a BLUE for sewing her koala pillowcase 

She got a PURPLE for her $20 Challenge (only 1 purple was allotted in that category)

Nothing like going straight from Junior Nationals to County Fair, with one night at home! 

Blake got Waffle a coat to wear to "keep the flies off" and to "keep people from seeing how good he was." He didn't wear it correctly right away - too funny! 

Loading up the animals on Monday afternoon was SO HOT!!!!! 

Since they moved check-in times for the goats and cattle, Mom had to do it by herself with the girls because Dad went to Marion County fair to help some other 4Hers with their show. We did it successfully! Aubrey can handle her heifers with no problem! 

We were saddened to see that the sign didn't even last for one day. 

Waiting to check in Dixie in her pen

Walking Waffle to weigh-in (with friend Regan)

All set for the week in their pen!

On Tuesday morning, the girls both volunteered at the "Many Little Farm Hands" booth. 
Aubrey manned the apple tree.

Avery enjoyed working at the sheep center - close enough to goats :)

The heifers all checked in and settled for the week! 

Oh, Waffle, you're so cute!

Avery competed in the $20 Challenge earlier this summer and presented her outfit and walked the stage in her piece - she got a BLUE and won BEST OVERALL $20, which earned her a PURPLE! She did great and this event was definitely up her alley! 

Aubrey's group of friends also came for the afternoon/evening as it usually is the "slowest day" at the fair and more time to hang out! 

Dad came back at night to help feed and bring to tie-outs!

The re-made signs in plastic - maybe they'll last?!

Going to wash before tie-outs!

Walking the goats and practicing bracing for the show tomorrow!


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