Tuesday, August 27, 2024

County Fair - Wednesday

 Wednesday was a BUSY day - Working Exhibits all morning and Meat Goat Show all afternoon!

(Pics out of order!)

Avery showed Dixie and Waffle in two different classes. Waffle got 2nd in this class and then got 2nd overall in the Division - yay Waffle! Dixie got 4th in class out of 9.  Avery did so well trying something new and we are so proud of all the things she learned and accomplished this summer! 

A look of determination to get Dixie in her right spot. 

Aubrey had the "help" on the sidelines to hold the other goat - she wasn't too thrilled!

Avery practiced a lot of "bracing" - which is hard to do with an 80+ pound wether.

There was a lot of waiting around since we didn't know the exact time she would show after the sheep show. 

Washing them after the show.

A few friends showed up to pass the time.

Kate spoiling the tired Avery!

Awe, this is the cutest picture. Avery is whopped and Waffle is hanging around. 

She got a ribbon, but the Fair did not have her Reserve Champion banner :(

A family affair....

More friends stopping by to see what's going on with meat goats.

Waffle looking GREAT!

Steve tried to fit the wether as best as he could.

Calling Blake for some advice.

WORKING EXHIBITS! They girls got PURPLE ribbons and qualified for State (but since Avery was a 4th grader, she was unable to present, so we didn't go to the State Fair for that)

All the State Fair Qualifiers

Passing the time judging trying to guess the flavor of Skittles

They agreed to work together to do MINI BANJOS - they did great! 

Aubrey's photo got a PURPLE and was "State Fair Considered"

Talking with the Judge

There were a LOT of kids who wanted to do the working exhibits - they ALMOST ran out of lids!

All set up and ready for kids!

We had to get up EARLY to get the goats washed before the Working Exhibits!

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