Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Concert on the Square

The Saturday of Labor Day weekend, our town has hosted the Concert on the Square, bringing in a FREE CHRISTIAN CONCERT! This year was Cochren & Co. It was also supposed to be Ben Fuller but he was ill, so they sent Consumed By Fire, instead. It was a beautiful night!

Steve went early Saturday morning to reserve our spots :)

We all were encouraged to wear our new OC apparel - Aubrey and her friends. 

Consumed By Fire 

Three brothers make up the main band 

L.A.K.E.R. friends

Avery and her friend Sophia

A few teachers who we sat near, all wearing our new gear!

It was a GREAT crowd - they estimated about 10,000 people!

That Sunday we celebrated Kailey's HS graduation in Tracy

The Kaisand grandkids


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