Monday, September 9, 2024

ISF - Lauren Daigle

Aubrey used her long-saved Christmas money from G&G Kaisand and bought tickets to see Lauren Daigle and Blessing Offor at the Iowa State Fair - I got to go with her! We got there in the late afternoon and got some food and did some wandering around. We may have OVERPAID for yard parking but we survived! 

Checking out Baylen's Governor's Steer "Rocco"

It was PERFECT weather - even chilly enough for a sweatshirt later.

Blessing Offor - show started at 8:00 and he performed for about 45 minutes

Then came the LONG WAIT - we're not sure why, but Lauren Daigle didn't come on until 9:30!

The show started out a little jazzy for us, but then she broke it down and just SANG her beloved songs and it was awesome! 

The show ended at 11:00 pm and then FIREWORKS!


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