Tuesday, September 10, 2024

ISF - Show Day

Avery and I drove up and took the DART bus to the Fairgrounds as Steve and Aubrey stayed in the camper before the Simmental Open Show on Satuday at the ISF. Aubrey had a BIG show day as she started showing at about 9:00 and her last one was close top 3:15. She showed 5 different times and although our heifers don't always place at the top of their class, Aubrey is getting more confident in her showing ability and has more fun!

Aubrey helped Ryley show the baby calf "Maddie"

Avery and I waited in line for 40 minutes for the new fair food - donuts - they were warm and delicious!

Jason VerPloeg was around to help fit "Princess" one last time for us!

In between the heifers showing, we would go out and do a little bit more exploring!

Aubrey is trying to get more comfortable with fitting - so she practiced on "Oakley"

"Oakley's" first time EVER in a show ring and Aubrey got to show her - they did pretty well! 

And "Tinsel's" last time in the show ring.

All the rage was the dill-pickle pizza as a new fair food and it did not disappoint either! 

We don't often make it down to the DNR building, but we did this year.

Aubrey was able to join us after a long day of showing for some fun in the evening! 
Aubrey beat Grandpa and Avery big time! 

We ALL squished onto the Ye Old Mill and we will NEVER trust Steve in the back again! 
Oh boy did we get rocking!

Grandpa's favorite thing about the fair is show and tell...this group just flocked! 

Our tradition is to take the Sky Glider back to the bus - if only this live could speak.


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