Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Running out of room...?

So in my last post it said that was running out of room to store my pics on from this blog. I don't really know a whole lot about that, except for the fact that it said that if I wanted more space I had to buy some (?!) or delete some older pictures! So, I have made a book about all my blog posts from the year 2011 and plan to delete those posts and pictures (from the blog, not forever), that way it will free up more space I guess. I plan to do this in the next few days so if you want to reminisce from my 2011 blog posts, you better do so soon because the next time you check they just might be gone :) Thanks for reading, my faithful fans!


  1. I had the same thing last week! Super frustrating! And I tried to delete some posts/pics but it still wouldn't let me post more.... Let me know if it works for u!

    1. Hmmm...I did a test run with just a few and it seemed to work (for now at least) - big bummer!

  2. One of my friends just posted about the same problem. How frustrating!

  3. Ok, I just checked and she found a way around it. She was able to start posting under her husbands gmail account and apparently that worked.

  4. Hmmm, interesting! Thanks, I'll give that a try! So strange!
