Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Party #1

And so it begins. December 1 and we had our first
Christmas party already!
It was with Steve's immediate family
since the rest of the time, people will be with other family and/or
traveling closer to Christmastime.
It was now or in January.

We just bought a new camera on black Friday so we
were testing it out.
UNFORTUNATELY the memory card I had
was not very big, so we borrowed Grandma Char's.
In the meantime, I put our other card on the couch and it 
This is a couch where the cushions can't be removed.
I am a bit bummed since we lost about 
20 pictures on that card of some Advent things we did
and the beginning parts of the Christmas party. 
So, here are the pictures we had on the other card
that didn't disappear in the couch :(

Aubrey sitting on my gift:
an Oskaloosa Indians stadium chair
for all the bball games we will be watching :)

Aubrey really wanted to "help" (do it herself)
open other's gifts this year. 

A Dora coloring book and twistable colors
from Dan, Andrea and Noah

Princess bag from G and G Kaisand

Telling Grandpa Craig all the princesses names

a gift for "Baby Dora the Explorer" 
(Mommy's baby, nicknamed by Aubrey)

Grandpa Craig reading the Christmas story
with Noah and Aubrey

snuggling with Mommy after a nap
and enjoying some snacks

Here the boys are TRYING to retrieve
my lost memory card in the couch.
They tipped it all around and even got out 
the shop vac, but no luck. 

Thanks G and G Kaisand
for the Cinderella blankie!

"Do you need help?! OK! I'll do it for you!"

"What does the cow say?!"
Aubrey says MOOOOOOO, not 
what Uncle Dan says, "Moo Moo Moo"
(think..."What does the fox say?" tune)

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