Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Playland party

(testing out blogging with pictures with my phone
so pics may not be the best quality...still learning)

This morning we had a Play land play date with a bunch of Aubrey's friends.
We rented out this place through the Gateway Nazarene Church in Osky for two hours.
We invited the daycare crew, church friends and school friends.

There was an enclosed area for babies.
Avery kept climbing up the slide.

Playing a game of "duck, duck, goose" with a few 

Even cousin Kailey from TN was able to play for a bit.
(Aubrey was recovering here from a bloody nose ;))

Half-time with snacks of juice boxes, mini cupcakes, strawberries and m&ms

Going down one of the slides

The rest of the crew enjoying their snacks!

I think overall it was a pretty fun play date
(with the exception of Aubrey's bloody nose ;))

1 comment:

  1. I feel as though there may be a story behind the bloody nose....?
