Monday, June 15, 2015

Avery Leigh - 15 months!

On Friday, our sweet Avery Leigh
turned 15 months old!
She is changing so fast and turning into quite the little toddler.
Her actual well-child check up isn't for a few more weeks.
Here is what she is up to:

-she is turning into her sister where she would rather drink than eat
-drinks milk whenever she is offered
(weaning off the bottle and almost down to just sippys)
-likes water WAY more than Aubrey ever has and does from cups with straws
-favorites: grapes, cheese, fries, potatoes, chips 
ice cream, candy, snacky foods like crackers and fruit snacks
(she likes most of what she shouldn't be eating lots of)

-this summer we are finally weaning her to two naps
-we also are trying to wean her from her two large blankets
she likes to carry in each arm like angel wings...grandma betty
has cut one down so it's not so bulky ;)
-she'll take a longer morning nap and shorter afternoon
-goes to bed close to 8:00 and will stay in her bed talking
and maybe going back to sleep until you get her

-RUNS through the house
-climbing up the hassock and little chairs and up the couch
-talking non-stop and echoing what you say
-words: hi, dad, AubrEE, momEE, babye, shooos, tankoo (thank you),
didah (diaper), uh-oh, owEE, no no, whoa
and she will repeat anything that you ask her too and 
she does her very best with the same intonation, too
-knows that cats say mew mew and cows say boooo
-loves to run around/play outside and swing
-runs at the chance to go babye and grabs her "shooos"
-cries when she sees animals/insects of any kind, even flies
-loves bathtime, reading books
-goes and gets her diapers and books when you ask her
-still in 18 month clothes and transitioning to some 24 month
-wears size 5 shoes and just transitioned to size 4 diapers
-stubborn and squeals when she doesn't get her way
-loves to follow anyone around and likes to be social

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