Sunday, August 23, 2015

Iowa State Fair

Iowa State Fair 2015

Aubrey and Daddy got to go up to the Fair Friday night
and stay in the camper together.
They parked at South East Polk and rode the bus!

On the bus ready for the FAIR!

Aubrey with the Red Angus heifer of Grandpa Craig's

brushing the heifer 

Aubrey got a special ice cream treat for helping out that night

Aubrey and Grandpa Craig being silly

Saturday morning Mommy and Avery joined everyone -
we took the bus too from SEP

Aubrey and Mommy in our matching Kaisand Cattle shirts :)

Kaisand family photo op :)

Grandma Char and the girls with the calves 

Aubrey enjoying her new sticker book from the Fair

Avery entertaining herself in the barn

These horse statues were all over the fair this year

Grandma Van Grouw was in charge of taking pics
and accidentally took videos instead....
if you look close, we are the group walking about 1/2 way up.
Mommy went with Aubrey
then Curt
and Grandpa Van Grouw with Avery
Everyone had a BLAST!

Aubrey's request: apple juice - we just happened to be by the apple stand
and she got an Apple Slushy - yummy!

Grandpa VG Curt and Avery watching the show

Daddy showing "Sweet Shot"

At the Varied Industries Building - the ISU area
had the NCAA Big 12 Tournament Champion Trophy and net :)

Aubrey signing her name at the Animal Learning Center

After a break in the LONGEST SHOW EVER - 
Daddy could join us for the "Little Hands on the Farm"

Girls ready to farm
(notice Avery is in socks...she chucked her shoe off 
and before we noticed it, it was far too late to find it)

planting her seed 

Missed that one ;)

in the BIG tractor tire

Of course it felt warm enough to get wet...or soaked!

We happened to run into Bobby Jindal -  Republican Presidential candidate -
Aubrey and I had a decent conversation with him.
Here he was saying, "Wow, you're 4 years old?!" - pretty crazy.
Needless to say, we felt obligated to cast our kernel for him after that encounter ;)

so. many. people.

Being brave petting a big dog 

And she wasn't so brave with the Cat in the Hat
so Mommy had to join in the pic :)

Ahh....a good hot dog to end her time at the Fair!

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