Monday, January 9, 2017

First Lost Tooth

On Saturday morning, while we were eating our waffles,
Aubrey mentioned that her fork hit her tooth.
We looked and sure enough, she had a VERY wiggly tooth!
Steve and I are both grossed out by teeth, so we told her she was on her own -
she would have to wiggle it by herself.

Later that night, we went to North Mahaska to Steve's basketball game
and showed Grandma Char.
She was surprised how wiggly it really was.
She told Aubrey she was going to look at it, and BOOM
she pulled it right out!
I was surprised how it really didn't bother Aubrey - 
no tears or biting Grandma!
(but she was a little concerned why there was blood on her tooth)
We were prepared and took a baggie to put it in!

Putting her tooth on her pillow for the tooth fairy.
(don't mind her disaster shelf!)
She wasn't quite sure to believe if there was a tooth fairy or not ;)
Toothetina the tooth fairy DID COME that night
with $1 for her first tooth and she got to keep the tooth!

Brushing with one less tooth!

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