Saturday, April 11, 2020

Social Distancing

The Covid-19 quarantine continues and will through the whole month of April!
School officially has been going on for 2 weeks with online learning and 
learning packets that are required of the girls from school.
We've managed to get into a good schedule with school 
that last from 8:30-11:30 each day. 
The afternoons are spent with free play, "art" sessions and playing outside!

watching videos on Dad's computer 

Avery wanted to play a little soccer in the front yard.

Aubrey has a ZOOM meeting with her teacher and class 
everyday at 8:30 in the morning.

Avery has plenty of work to do, too!

Aubrey used birthday money from Aunt Sara to get a bed lamp.
She has spent a lot of extra time in her room reading here.

Baking occasionally... 

When the sun comes out, so do we!

It took a few days practicing on the church parking lot,
but Avery FINALLY learned how to ride her bike without training wheels. 

Avery left me this note while I was teaching her! 

We had a LOT of down branches and sticks and leaves left. Mom and the girls
raked them up and put them on piles and Dad came and hauled them all away!

Playing Avery's new birthday game from Grandma VG - TENZI

The girls always look forward to JOE HOX live Facebook
art sessions where he does step-by-step drawings on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

We try to go on a walk every day, even in the sprinkles.

Finding cozy spots to read and draw during "alone time."

The girls have been getting along surprisingly well -
playing Barbies downstairs. 

Playing dolls in Aubrey's room

Avery making Mac N Cheese 
(don't mind the yellow wall, new tiles coming in SOON)

watching church on the Live Stream with her dolls

All dressed up from Palm Sunday with her dolls, too.

Avery helped make a Christmas favorite - rolos and pretzels

Avery took this picture from the van at the Forest Cemetery.
She was proud how it looks like a heart. 

Making rubber band bracelets and mailing them and notes to their friends.

Lots of game playing - this time Sophia the First Tea Party

We're thankful we have a yard with lots of good ways to burn off energy!

Aubrey making Hamburger Helper!

Coloring Easter eggs to put in the window.

Using the good ole "Mr. Sketch" smelly markers :)

When it hits 70 degrees, the Barbies go for a swim.

And the girls just HAD to join the Barbies :)

Decorated eggs in the window.

Steve has been going to the farm almost daily,
and took both of the girls this time!
Avery was in tears since she was worried about the dog
and the cows and the bugs, etc. BUT she conquered it all and had FUN!

Aubrey washing and working with a calf she HOPES to show in JUNE!

Making friends with Dodger, "Oh you like that?!"

First meal outside for the season!

And picnic lunches outside when we can!

We should be starting softball/t-ball by now :(
But we'll settle for practicing in the front yard for now.

Building LEGOS and creating a city together.

Making Easter lily craft.

Chalk art in "stained glass" fashion 

Don't be fooled - JEN did 75% of the work!

Thrilled with how it turned out - too bad it last 2 days before the rain.

Avery has spent a TON of time playing with this BOX that
her presents from Grandma VG came in. HA

 We had Avery's 6 year check out and were told we probably should wear masks.
We did - both were no sew and made from a bandanna and headband. 

Culver's ice cream in the car when in Pella.

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