Sunday, September 25, 2011

Allergic Reaction

Just when we thought we were over everything, the cold, the ear infection, the flu...Aubrey broke out in a horrible allergic reaction after we stopped her meds.  I took her to the Doctor AGAIN (3rd time in 2 weeks) they said that it probably was an allergic reaction to the amoxicillion...just like her Daddy.  They gave her some cortisone steroid and recommended the Aveeno bath products to soothe her itching.  Friday she was not bothered by in as much, but Saturday and Saturday night was pretty rough; lots of itching on her face especially.  Here are a few pics to show just how miserable she was :( 

this was Friday afternoon

 it didn't seem to bother her so much that day, but she just didn't look like herself

Mommy enjoying some snuggles from Aubrey

poor girl! :( this day it wasn't so much on her legs and arms but Saturday it was worse

taking a bath to help relieve the itching

Saturday after her bath, better in the face, but arms and legs more, 
and she still had some smiles

Sunday morning, finally starting to look better
after a horrible night! 

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