Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Catch Up

It appears it has been awhile since I have last updated, so here is a bit to catch you up.  Since we have recovered from the allergic reaction, here's what we've been up to:

  • Aubrey has needed to be "re-trained" in sleeping longer through the night.  She has been waking up at least two times a night again.  This is a big bummer especially since right before she had her allergic reaction she had been sleeping almost through the night.  Several nights she did not wake up at all, and if she did, it was about 4 or 5 a.m.  Lately it has been once around midnight and another around 4. Ugh! 

  • A bottom tooth is working its way out.  You can't really see it, but you can definitely feel in with your finger.  Thankfully I have not noticed it at other times yet ;)

  • She has reacted to something else now! I noticed it Saturday night and she broke out in a very raised red rash all over her legs and arms.  It was odd though, because it wasn't on her tummy or back.  I think I have narrowed it down to the laundry detergent that my mom used on some of her clothes OR peaches.  Meanwhile, I have washed all her clothes in my hypoallergenic and perfume free detergent and stopped with the peaches.  Finally after about 5 days of the rash, she is looking back to herself.  With this rash, she was really unaffected by it, so we didn't have to get on any meds.  

  • Aubrey and I are headed up to NW Iowa for another trip - this time for the Heartland Convention at Dordt.  I will be attending and Grandma (and Grandpa :)) Van Grouw will be watching Aubrey.  We are leaving today (Wed) and not returning until Sunday.  Steve will be gone at a cattle sale this weekend in Wisconsin anyway.  Next update will be about our adventures there, hopefully!

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