Friday, March 23, 2012

Whole Milk

Since Aubrey turned one, our doctor recommended that we start trying whole milk.  Just a little at a time for supper or start mixing it with formula to phase her off of that.  On Wednesday night I thought I would give her a couple of ounces in her sippy cup.  At first she didn't want any, but when I put it in a big girl cup she drank it pretty easily.

I knew that there was a possibility of her reacting to it since she is on sensitive formula and is a puker anyway, but she seemed to keep it down. . . UNTIL. . . I went to check on her before I went to bed.  I always open the door just so she isn't too cold or hot in her room and when I went to do so I noticed she was sleeping in her puke! I felt horrible! Steve and I then proceeded to give her a bath, change her sheets, and put her back to bed, all within about 15 minutes; we thought that was pretty good.

THEN, about 5 minutes later we heard a noise and I went to check on her and she threw up again!!! Oh. My. Goodness! I knew it was going to be a long night.  So we did the same process all over again and hoped that was the last of it.  Not so.  She ended up throwing up a total of about six times and had a total of three baths that night and about six different sheets/blankets and jammies.  Finally towards the end of it I wasn't giving her a bath anymore, just wiping her down and decided to take a bath in the morning.

I decided to stay home from school with her since we were both up for most of the night and I wanted to make sure that it wasn't really the flu instead of a milk reaction.  The next morning she woke up in a great mood, no temp, and ate and drank (formula) just fine like always.  She did take an extra 2.5 hour nap so she was definitely exhausted from the night before, but was back to her normal self.

Now, I'm not sure where to go from here, but I will probably try it mixed in with some formula and during the day so we aren't awake all night cleaning up a mess:) We shall see.  She already is giving me quite the run for my money and she's only one. Lol.

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