Sunday, July 22, 2012

Getting into trouble . . .

It seems that little Miss Aubrey Dawn has been finding herself into more trouble lately.  
Which also means heading to the spare room for a time-out in her little chair.
Here is just a glimpse of what our days consist of lately :)

Aubrey finds herself VERY messy after each meal so I just throw her in the kitchen sink.
She thinks its great and we usually have to change her outfits several times a day.

Being cute with a mischievous grin BEFORE she gets into trouble :)

She likes to get my makeup out of the drawers and it's crazy that she knows what to do with it!  
When I am getting ready she just watches so intently. 
She always grabs the little tubes and pretends to put it on her eyes.
So stinkin' cute!

Getting into Mommy's makeup drawer.
*Notice the childproof lock*
It works when I'm not using it getting ready.

She knows she's being naughty!

Also a new thing of hers:
Finding trash/ripping up trash so she can throw it away!
She finds the trash cans in all the I'm worried what she throws away!
Quite the helper she thinks she is :)

SIDE NOTE: (nothing to do with Aubrey getting into trouble :))
Steve and I decided to do another quick paint project in the living room.

"Dark Eucalyptus Leaf Green" accent wall
I love it!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Aubrey, you and Adelyn would get along just fine! :) She is too cute. Are you headed to RV anytime soon? Would love to see you!
