Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hanging Out

Since it's been so hot this past week (almost a week straight of 90-100 degrees), we decided it was a good excuse to hang out inside and really get settled in the new house...and learn about what cable tv is really like!

Aubrey having fun in her bath...
look at those bottom molar teeth!

Being a little naughty standing up in the bath, 
but oh so cute!

Sunday was much cooler so we 
spent some time outside in the new yard.

Aubrey now knows how to get herself 
into a standing position from the middle of the ground! Yay!

Playing on the slide from Grandma VG.

The trail right off our property where the neighbors 
(and I guess we will too)
come to dump their leaves and sticks.

In the wagon and with a ball...what more could a girl want?!

Having fun sorting the rocks and
throwing them back into the landscaping. 

We blew up her mini swimming pool (from Aunt Andrea and Uncle Dan).
Now we have to test it out with water in it later on.

Suppertime got from messy... horribly messy!

(I think she looks like a pirate here :))

Walking the hallways is so fun!

1 comment:

  1. Fun pics. She's getting to be such a little girl!!! I think she looks a lot like you Jenessa in the second tub pic. :)
