Sunday, August 18, 2013

Iowa State Fair

This year, Steve went up to the Fair Friday night and stayed in the camper,
but Aubrey and I didn't make it there until Saturday morning 
and stayed overnight in the camper Saturday night and stayed through Sunday afternoon.
Even Uncle Curt joined us for the day! 
(but no pics to prove it, sorry Curt!)

Aubrey and I parked at SE Polk school and took
the "bus" over - Aubrey LOVED it!

The Grand Concourse 

Show day!
Three generations of Kaisands.

Even Aubrey wanted to help brush the cows. 

Each of the Kaisand cows had a name plate with their names.
This year Aubrey helped name them...Belle, Ariel and Aurora.
Princess names!

Aunt Andrea showing the calves.

Grandpa Craig bought us some tickets
so we could ALL go down the BIG SLIDE!
Uncle Curt was nice enough to capture the pics for us.

Weee...that was FAST!

She liked it and wanted more!

Checking out the baby chicks
nice and close. 

Getting brave to pet the cow.

Sunday was a more relaxed day.
The best part for Aubrey was 
"The Little Hands on the Farm" exhibit.
She got to wear an apron and carry around a basket.

Aubrey gets to be a little farmer and here
she is planting her peppers.

She walked around knowing just what to do.

Getting an apple from the tree.

Aubrey and Grandma Char being
little chickens :)

Going to feed the calves :)

Leaving her mark in chalk. 

Milking the cow.

Finally, at the end you get a $1 that you cash in for 
a snack!

Aubrey chose a bomb pop! Yummy!
(And, Aunt Jessica, they pass out free Pioneer visors :))

Grandpa Craig decided to spoil Aubrey extra
and take her for another ride on the Big Slide!

There they go!!!!!

A nap in the stroller to end a very busy two days!
(note all her tattoos and stickers
and she is even hold a mini-baby :))

And just for fun, the past THREE Fairs that Aubrey has been to:



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