Wednesday, April 30, 2014

7 weeks

Today marks Avery's seven week birthday!
Wow - that sounds crazy.
Well, just to document a few things, here's what she's up to:
Overall, we try to stick -very loosely to the E.A.S.Y. schedule:
Eat, Awake/Activity, Sleep, Your time

-still a very content baby while awake
-starting to coo and interact and SMILE - yay
especially after a good feeding and burp
-likes the play mat
-not a fan of tummy time -would rather suck her fist contently
-likes when Aubrey kisses her - she smiles
-eats very consistently every 3 hours, almost exactly 
and still a very FAST eater
-takes the bottle great for me or Steve or anyone else, 
about 4 1/2 ounces each feeding
-wears some 0-3 month clothing, but even some 6 months
needed for the length
-really enjoys bath time now - we take one every other day
(cradle cap is mostly gone -yay!)

-has become a stinker at sleeping in her crib lately!
-will NOT nap in her crib more that 45 minutes at a time
-I still put her down in her crib when we are home, 
even if it's short-lived
-will sleep anywhere else fine: bouncy, swing, car seat, your arms
but put her in her crib and eeek!
-overnight sleep is unpredictable lately!
-she may go 4 1/2 hours and then up every hour after
-lately has gone on a streak that she doesn't like to be put back in her crib if sleeping, 
she wakes up right away and need to be rocked back to sleep
-LOVES napping in her swing - could sleep there for hours if I let her
-I am NOT a fan of standing at the crib at 2 am
standing and rocking and praying she stays asleep when I put her down
-Steve is a good rocker, so he's been on call at night too, now

Overall, still a good baby and the smiles lately have been so sweet!
Now, if we can get this sleeping thing down consistently in her crib, we'd be golden!
But then again, this stage too shall pass ;)

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