Sunday, April 13, 2014

One Month

Yup, we can't believe that it's been a month already, but it has!
Here's what Avery is up to:

-very content baby overall
-likes her swing already more than Aubrey ever did
-is a fast, great eater (every three hours almost on the dot :))
-sleeps well at night (has been giving me a 5 hr stretch already!)
-sleeps in her sleep sack in her crib happily for naps and nighttime
-Steve gave her a bottle once and she downed it no problem
-gets "hugged and kissed" by her sister OFTEN
-now likes her baths and doesn't cry
-has got some cradle cap that we have to scrub often
-starting to find her voice and almost smiles willingly :)
-wears 3 month clothes and need some 6 month for length 

"typical day":
up between 7-9 am
awake time for awhile
takes a twoish hour morning nap
awake time for awhile
takes a long fourish hour afternoon nap - waking to eat
early evening/evening a bit more unpredictable
fussy time during supper
goes down for the night between 8:30 -10 pm
eats around 2-3 times a night and goes RIGHT back to sleep :)

tummy time together 

I guess this bath thing isn't too bad :)

enjoying the great outdoors!


1 comment:

  1. Oh my she is precious! Seems like a good baby!!! Being a big sister fits Aubrey well! Can't wait to see you all again!
