Sunday, August 17, 2014

Iowa State Fair

Aubrey went up with Daddy Friday night and got to 
stay in the camper at the fair.
Avery and Mommy came up on Saturday morning
and we spent a LONG day there, 
(leaving home at 8 and home at 9:30)
with no nap for Aubrey and catnaps throughout for Avery.
Overall, the girls did well, but "it's hard being 3" - says Aubrey :)

checking out the equipment and sitting in the tire

"Little Hands on the Farm"
Aubrey and cousin Noah

Noah's first time and he enjoyed it.

it was BUSY, so there was some waiting

grabbing an apple

Noah's turn

"show me your excited face!"

How tall this year?! Looks like 3 foot 2 1/2 inches :)

Daddy making Avery laugh 

the best part! 

drive those tractors, kids!

Aubrey is always on the lookout for FROZEN things!
Here is a genuine smile!

Their treats at the end:
Aubrey - popsicle, Noah - crackers and pb 

cooling of in the fountains

Aubrey always loves to run through the "flower tunnel"

Avery catching a nap with Daddy at the cattle show


Tylia, Daddy, Aubrey, and Grandpa Craig

playing at the Fun Forest 

at the ice cream shoppe...Aubrey playing with her "friends"

Yes, Mommy was at the Fair, too!
(just always behind the camera)

HUGE American Gothic statues 

At the end of the day, we realized Avery didn't even make it to the cattle barn,
and neither did the rest of us. So no "annual cattle picture" this year.

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