Monday, October 13, 2014

Seven Month Sweetie

Yes, indeed, our sweet Avery Leigh is now 
7 months old!
Wow! I can't believe it!

Here is what she's up to this month:
-sleeping great again (after our 2nd ear infection)
-still takes 3 naps a day
-loves her thumb in one hand and twirling her hair in the other
-is getting better at eating baby food 
(likes her fruits better than veggies, but who can blame a girl?!)
(but is VERY messy with the thumb sucking and hair twirling)
-REALLY is moving around a lot - practically crawling
-goes from "crawling" to sitting up position all on her own
-loves to smile 
-is getting into Aubrey's things a LOT :)
(Aubrey says, "MOM! MOVE HER!")
-is interacting with Aubrey a lot more - too fun!
-likes to "fake laugh" and go ha ha ha ha
-becoming quite vocal saying "babababa"
-puts her hands out for you in the crib and carseat - darling!

(getting up onto sitting position)

(sitting up)

(on the move "crawling" again)

(sweet Avery on the move :))


  1. Man... I think she can crawl better that what Aubs can do now :)
