Tuesday, January 13, 2015

"Disaster, Disaster, Picture Drama!"

(long post...don't read if you don't have time ;) 

If you have ever read any of the "Llama Llama" children's books,
this title may ring a bell to you a bit.
We own the book "Llama, Llama Time to Share"
and at one point the little llama doesn't want to share his dolly
and the dolly breaks in two and the phrase is used,
"Disaster, Disaster, Dolly Drama!"
Aubrey has picked up on this phrase and will use it in a time of crisis.
"Disaster, Disaster __________ Drama"
and she fills in whatever may be going on (kinda cute:))
Therefore my title is "PICTURE" drama .... in good Aubrey fashion.
Here it goes:

It was a lovely Saturday morning to take some
already rescheduled pictures (since the girls got sick in December).
I decided that they girls are usually pretty good and smiley, so
I would try it on my own and take both by myself.
It was mainly for Avery's 9 month pictures, but I figured
I would throw Aubrey in a few as well, since it doesn't cost extra.

Saturday morning proved to be a morning of getting everyone ready.
The girls needed baths, Avery a nap, snacks and bottles....
and a whole bag of accessories, bows, and outfit changes and we were off.
The appointment was at 11:15. The plan was take the pictures
in 45 minutes (or less!), go eat at Culver's and then pick out the pictures
and be home in time for a little later nap - all good.
Not really.

We get there and immediately get the girls' hair combed and we were ready to go.
The photographer gets the background set up and we were on our way.
She had Avery sitting and she was SMILING AWAY and LAUGHING
for 30 seconds
and then she crawled to me crying and afraid!
Literally, 30 seconds!
30 seconds!
We tried for the next twenty minutes,
different poses, with Aubrey, without Aubrey,
standing by a box, sitting on the box.
Laying on the chair.,,,BEADS!


Avery was ticked and needed to be held by Mommy!
Meanwhile, Aubrey has been told to get out of the way
and stop clinging to Mommy - I needed to be with Avery.
The photographer suggested she sit in the window. So she did.
For 1 minute. Then she came to me and I shoved her away.
And now AUBREY was bawling since "you hurt my leg, Mommy!"


Once I calmed Aubrey down, we tried Avery one more time. 
At one point she jumped off the wooden box, head first. Awesome.
She was shaky in fear and pain and I knew it was not good.
The photographer was ready to give up, but I wasn't quite yet.
I thought we could try the two of them together again
but nope - not happening!

SO WE LEFT immediately and I WAS TICKED!

I told her I would maybe call her later and she said
she would put the few she had online for us to check out.
Aubrey had been promised Culver's if she was good - but she didn't get it!
Instead I drove back to Osky SO MAD
withOUT "her songs or her show" - NO!
You have to sit there quietly Aubrey, sorry! 
You did not earn anything, expect a firm talking to
3/4 of the way home! HA!
And you know what she says,
 "I am sorry but I don't know how to stop it?!"
You are in control of your actions, ALWAYS!
Not a good excuse.
Not a good mom move, but I wanted to talk so firm to her and make 
her feel disappointed in her actions, and once again, I brought her to tears.
Avery on the other hand was giggling the day away - UGH!
Okay. End rant.
I haven't even called the picture place back yet.
We are NOT rescheduling, NOT going back (until March)
and I am bringing reinforcements!

Please, once again, you faithful readers, tell me you have days like these ;)


  1. It seems like things don't go as planned more often than they do around here. I've started to set my expectations pretty low! :)

    1. No kidding! ;) PS - I still can' access your blog...I tried it once and have been locked out again, thoughts? I feel behind on your blog life :)
