Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Ink on the sheets

On Monday night as were putting Aubrey to bed, we noticed she had colored all over her sheets with ink and not just by accident. We found out she probably did it during her Sunday nap. She used the pen she was using to cross off dates on the calendar until her birthday. 

You can see a cloud, a worm, a sun and a person she said.

Posing now...but she did feel really sorry and was sobbing. She didnt want coloring taken away since "Its the best fun thing to do!"

Her Consequence: spend time cleaning it with hairspray, soap, and cold water.

I kept hearing grunting and sayings like "I am going to get you clean silly head!" "Mom can you check on me?" "Im doing a great job!" "I think I got it all out!"

After about 15 minutes later, much to her dismay it did come out, even after throwing it in the laundry. 

So now we will go to walmart and she will use *some* of her money to buy a new sheet and it won't get to be a cute one ;) 

Lesson learned. Hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. Love the consequence! Dan said baby wipes haven taken ink out of our couch.
