Sunday, April 1, 2012


Sorry for the lack of pics lately, I guess I just have more stories!  I should have gotten pics today, but my battery was dead.  For the past couple of times for naptime Aubrey has been doing everything she can to avoid taking a nap.  Maybe she is weaning herself off of the morning nap, but the things she has been doing lately, I have to admit, are pretty funny.

Today, for example I put her down for her morning nap and she played and played and laughed and giggled and squealed and had a grand ole time until after 45 minutes of it, I decided we would forgo the nap.  She never is fussing or crying, just playing around!  I had the door cracked opened and would peek occasionally and this is some of what I found today.

1-wrestling her blankie
2-doing rolls all around the crib
3-sitting up (several times)
4-leaning against the rails as a backrest
5-half of her pants OFF
6-legs through the rails relaxing
7-blankie on top of her head
8-laying on her knees with her face on the mattress
9-singing, squealing, and laughing her head off
10-kicking the wall, the mattress and anything else
11-ALL of her pants off

So after 45 minutes of this and going in telling her to stop playing, putting her pants back on, taking away the blankie, and anything else I could do to encourage napping, I decided it just wasn't worth it.  So, this morning she only had a 10 minute snooze on the way home from church.

I later tried an afternoon nap, and the same thing went on for about 30 minutes and then she FINALLY dozed off in a very uncomfortable position, but had to be woken up after an hour since we had a Bible Study we needed to be at.  So, up for 15 hours and only an hour nap - she was in a surprisingly GOOD MOOD! Hmmm...very interesting!  At the time it's kinda funny, but oh so frustrating too:) Oh, the joys of parenting!

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