Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sibling Class

Last night Aubrey and I went to a "Sibling Class"
at the Pella Regional Hospital.
There were three other families, each had a child
of about age 2 or 3. I was the only one without
a huband there (and no wedding ring since my fingers were swollen), 
so I probably looked like the skanky mom :)
But Steve had practice and then a Deacon's meeting. 

When we got there all the kids got in a circle and the 
"teacher" read a book and talked to the kids about 
being a big sibling. Aubrey did a good job sitting
and listening for the most part, but wanted to get 
a little too close to the book at times.

(She was so excited to sit in the chair at a class
and listen to the teacher!)

Then we went on a tour of the OB department
so the kids could see where Mom and Dad would be
and where the new sibling would be.
They also took a picture of Aubrey
to put in the baby's crib - it turned out badly - haha. 
She did a pretty good job sticking with me
and not being too wild :)

While we were there, we noticed that there was one
room with the door closed and the nurses said 
that there was no baby yet.
We actually saw our Dr, Dr. Anne there
so she was getting ready for a baby to be born.
Dr. Anne waved and said hi to Aubrey :)

that next day we found out that it was our 
friends who were in there and delivered
their baby girl just an HOUR after we walked by -

After the tour, the kids got to watch a 
movie about being a big sibling and got to 
eat a cookie.
While they were watching the movie,
they also got to make a handprint
that will be put on the baby's crib and baby's
footprint and name will be added, too.

It was about an hour long and a pretty fun
outing for Mommy and Aubrey.
She got to take home a bag of goodies
with coloring book and crayons,
a baby diaper and some masks
to put on if we have germies :) 
Pretty cute.

1 comment:

  1. I remember taking my kids before Kate was born. Jaren of course was not thrilled, but the girls loved it. They were the only ones there so the teacher adjusted it a little since they were older. I think it's a great program for soon-to-be-older siblings. :)
