Wednesday, September 24, 2014

6 months

Avery had her 6 month Dr. check up today.
Here are her stats:
Height: 28 in - 98%
Weight: 17lb 14 oz - 82 %
Head Circ: 16.5 in - 25%
(that's two inches and a pound and a half in 3 months!)

Aubrey's: 27 in long and 16 lb 6 oz
at this same age

Here are some things to remember about her:

-goes to bed drowsy and puts her self to sleep
-loves to suck her thumb to soothe to sleep
so no need for any pacifiers ever 
-has started sleeping with a crotched white blanket
(same one Aubrey used at this age)
-no longer sleeps in a sleep sack or suit
-sleeps on her tummy
-takes 3 naps a day
-sleeps at night from about 8:30-7:00
-has been sleeping through the night the

-nurses 5-6x a day and takes one 5 oz bottle at the babysitters
-gets very excited when it's time for milk
-has started rice cereal and veggies and fruits
-beans, peas, carrots, apples and pears so far
-likes to "snack' on mum-ums
-can do ok with puffs but still chokes on them yet

-loves to sit up and play
-rolls all around a lot across the entire floor in a minute
-rocks back and forth on her hands and knees and 
very close to crawling - just has to figure out how to move her arms
-loves watching Aubrey play
-puts anything she can find in her mouth
-likes to listen to Mommy and Daddy read to Aubrey
-likes to watch TV - lol!
-likes to get into Aubrey's toys - time to baby proof!
(Aubrey is learning how to SHARE!)
-likes to flair her arms 
(like she is slapping her knee if something is funny)

-has two bottom teeth
-smiles and laughs all the time
(babysitter says she is one of the happiest baby's she's had!)
-wears 9 mo and some 12 mo clothes 
-loves taking an evening bath with Aubrey before bed
(they have a lot of fun laughing together -
Avery in her little tub inside the big time with Aubrey)
-still saying "babababa" all the time
-likes to click her mouth - Aubrey says she is saying "tick-tock"

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