Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Since the beginning of the school year, I have had
some seasonal allergies that settled in my eyes.
You know, the itchy, red, blurry, and scratchy eyes
that look probably worse than they really are.

For the first few weeks at school I dealt with it 
and occasionally put in some rewetting drops to help.
Well, about 2 weeks ago it was getting pretty bad
that I decided to just go in.

Sure enough, my corneas were pretty scratched and irritated
so the eye Dr. prescribed a drop that is safe for 
nursing mothers like myself.
I gave that about a week and it just didn't cut it.

The Dr. decided to prescribe a steroid that
*could* diminish milk supply, but I was game
to try it anyway since I was pretty miserable.
Yes, that did work! Yay! 
It was like instant relief for my eyes
and no effect on this nursing mom - double yay!

After I stopped all the drops, I noticed last week
that my vision was getting REALLY blurry!
I thought it was just my contacts, so I switched
and then put on my glasses but it was the same problem!

So, I called in two days ago and he recommended
that I just use some other drops again - okay will do!
But now the last couple of days have been HORRIBLE!
I'm talking...
Like can't even read the computer unless it
is three inches from my face!
Like can't read street signs. At. All!
Like can't identify students from a distance.
Like shouldn't probably even be teaching!

I called back and said this is NOT GOOD!
From what started as a small allergy has turned 
into something ridiculous!

I go in today and he was SHOCKED at how much
I couldn't SEE AT ALL!
He tried to bump up my prescription but that was worthless.
It appears that there is a very think layer 
of scum and nast over my eyes that is hindering my vision big time!
So,  he gives me yet some more drops to try solid
for the next two days, like put in every thirty minutes
kind of drops and see if that helps.
If it doesn't, I will need to get on an antibiotic!

Good grief! What an outfit!
The Dr. made a comment that I must be pretty tolerant...
well as a teacher and mother of two young ones, ya,
I guess that fits :)

I'll keep you updated!
Sorry if there are lots of typos...I can't read it clearly :) LOL!

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