Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Potty Training Day One

Just a caution, read at your own risk, but I want to document this process :)

We have designated the next 3 days to POTTY TRAINING!

My sister Ashley gave me the guide to use and we are doing our best.
The guide says to do a few things:
1- set aside 3 days to do nothing but WATCH your child and their cues
2- when they go, catch them and haul them over to the potty
3- push the salty snacks and lots of drinks

We woke up this morning and Aubrey had been prepped for a long time that TODAY was the day.
The only thing was, I didn't have her "incentives" yet - oops!
So we quick ran to Walmart to pick up the essentials:
stickers, candy, pretzels, and juice boxes and we were set!

Overall, the day was quite disappointing. She ran around ALL DAY
with just big girl panties or nothing at all on and I followed her like a hawk
all. day. long.

I knew that little stinker had to go, and she would willingly sit on the potty
but should would not go! UGH! 
Then, she would quick run away from me for one second, and as I chased her,
I saw the potty running down her leg. I finally figured out she likes to do her business alone, but that didn't help the situation since it only takes a second for me to look away, and she goes!
I would quick rush her to the potty even with potty dribbling down her leg, hoping something would click, all the while watching like a hawk, but nope...nothing.
Wow, it is exhausting to do that all day long!

So, we mixed things up:
(all while keeping the towels and blankets nearby so we wouldn't have to carpet clean)
We went outside...accident.
We went in her room...accident.
We played by the kitchen table...accident.
We sat on the potty chair in the living room watching movies...nothing!
We sat on the floor playing games....nothing!
We sat with her in the bathroom...accident 2 seconds AFTER we left.
LOTS of accidents and lots of laundry to be done I can say that much!

Finally, it was after supper and it had been almost 2 hours since an accident and we had been really pushing the fluids, we knew she had to go and probably SOON!
So we were in the living room with nothing on, just waiting, waiting, waiting!
That little stinker quick ran out of the room and Steve caught her and yelled, "NO!"
The dribbling had begun and she stopped....I quickly ran and got her and threw her on the potty 
and we waited...and it was MUSIC TO OUR EARS...literally!
We have a potty chair that plays music and it SANG!
We were all so excited!
She FINALLY got her candy and money to put in her piggy bank!
Here's to hoping she remembers that tomorrow :)
Day one...check!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck today!!! I think getting them to figure out what we want them to do is the hardest part. Hoping today is much more successful and much less frustrating!
